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Try it, You might like it!

I admit it. Staring down a plate of escargot in Paris was a challenge for me, but I tried it and although a snail will never pass these lips again, I'm glad I was brave enough to eat one. After all, isn't trying new things what travel is all about?


I wanted to add this section to my travel scrapbook because food is such an integral part of culture. You learn so much about people by experiencing what they eat. We had so many memorable meals on our grand tour of Europe. Some things I loved, others not so much, but it was fun to see and taste the local flavors. I encourage you to do the same. Break out of your routine, explore new food, try something you'd never dream of eating. It might really surprise you... in a good, or bad way. Either way, you can say you tried it!


Here are some of my food photos from the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and France. On a Rick Steves tour, you never go to bed hungry, and if for some reason you do, you can expect an amazing breakfast buffet awaiting you in the morning with local favorites! Being a food lover, one of the most fun things for me was to check out the incredible breakfast buffets at each hotel. They were all so different. It was really neat to see the local offerings... what a traditional breakfast was in each region of our travels. I especially loved checking out the different types of tea and trying to translate what they were. I know, it's a silly thing, but comparing life at home with life on the road was fun. It was yet one more layer to the experiences we had on our Rick Steves tour. 


Thanks for reading and visiting my scrapbook! I hope it shows how much love and appreciation I have for our experiences on our Rick Steves tour. It truly was an amazing experience and one that I hope to repeat very soon!!! Doei-doei! Auf Wiedersehen! Arrivederci! Au revoir!  

a word about food...

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